Upen Patel
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 80 kilos
His fitness regime: I train four times a week for an hour everyday. I do free weights and, one day a week, I do cardiovascular exercises. I also do a lot of swimming.
His diet: Has to have a lot of protein and less of carbohydrates. I have five almonds everyday in the morning.
Breakfast: Is the most important meal of the day. I have cereal, two boiled eggs and protein supplements.
Lunch: Is very light. I just have a salad or a tuna sandwich.
Favourite food: Chicken. I can eat anything made of chicken at any time.
When he's not modelling: I chill out with friends, watch movies, go to my favourite restaurants and catch up with everybody.
Meditation: Is important to me. I used to go for Tai Chi classes in the morning. It's a lot like yoga, which again is something I practise when I can.
The best thing about him: My personality. I think that shows on the ramp a lot more than my looks or my body.
The one person I can't do without: Is my mum. In fact, she was here till two days ago.
Films: Are not an option right now. I want to be the biggest model in India ever.
His favourite designer: Wendell Rodricks. I can wear his stuff everyday. He has a great linen collection and I love linen.
Grooming tips for men: Get a pedicure, manicure, facial and even wax. I believe in being a complete metrosexual guy.
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