In a country starved of heroes, where peoples memory is as small as the brain of the leader of our neighbouring country, where myopia sets in after each time his greatness sachin tendulkar scores anything less than a matching winning century. And these people who are trying to bring down his greatness are the same who have been for years used his name alone as an epithet. The sound of the willow hitting leather has never been so much more than when sachin hit it. I wonder if god himself can ever match upto the genius that is sachin tendulkar. Alas we cant imagine how lucky we are to have been born in the same centur as him , to have seen him play live , and its really sad we need foreginers to confirm his genius now & again than the people of this land who are constantly trying to bring the great man down.
"Even with nine lives most cricketers still wouldn't be able go beyond the foothills of his achievements. Yet, there is a call for his head. The Gulliver of our times is being held down by the Lilliputians. Liberate him and you could still enjoy the genius of this man." - Wasim Akram
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