An old pic of Carol Gracias
Carol Gracias has been ramp modelling since years now. Yes perhaps she is a known fance in the modelling circuit , however to the average guy she is just another face and well quite passable perhaps if i may say so. Lack of any gyrating vulgar music vidoes or item numbers in movies to blame to perhaps.
However the lakme fashion week in mumbai 29 mar 2006 changed it all . Carol Gracias is a known entity know. Wardrobe malfunctions are pretty common everywhere else exept india & even if they happen here the models always have an undergarment below the clothes which is sorta taboo in europe/america. I wonder what the big deal is about , i mean even though there was a wardrobe malfunction there isnt a lot the to see :p
LQ pic from the wardrobe malfunction

It was a halter with slim strings and the knot suddenly opened up. The incident took place during designer Bennu Sehgall’s show in the afternoon.
Carol exited the catwalk after a quick rescue with poise and attitude. Deservedly, she received an ovation from the audience.
“It was purely accidental. The strings came off and there was nothing we could have done. However, Carol handled it beautifully, with grace and dignity. I think she is brilliant and I’m really glad she was part of my show,” commented Bennu.